As a family we are a fairly active bunch with a future Earps in the making and myself a Trail runner there’s alot of active wear in our house!
With a background in printing and embroidery what better way to keep myself occupied whilst not on mummy/chauffer duty than use my skills on not only creating bespoke items for 2 very picky young ladies (we have a list as long as my arm for designs they neeeeeeeed on a hoodie or top!) than share my love of design with you lovely lot!
We are also the home of the Tourist Legend!
For those who are wondering who on earth is that?! It is those runners who love to run around parks of a Saturday morning all over the UK and the rest of the world, earning their Legend status in completing as many different locations to run round on a Saturday as insanely possible, completing challenges as they You guys are hardcore!!!!
All our designing, printing and embroidery is done in house. We use no third parties, meaning we have complete control over the quality and service we provide, this does call for some very long hours but I wouldn't have it any other way!